Health Services

Something You’d Like to Try when You’re Pregnant


When you’re pregnant, you’re guaranteed to be on an emotional rollercoaster much worse than the one you get when you have PMS or your periods. The pains of pregnancy and the labour process are basically what any woman aspiring to be a mom, or a mom-to-be basically don’t want. So what if I said that there was a method to get rid of both in one go? You’re probably interested, so read below to find out.

Pregnancy acupuncture is simply put, acupuncture during your pregnancy term. Acupuncture is a Chinese medical practice where extremely thin needles are inserted along the many meridians (which the Chinese call channels of ‘vital energy’ or ‘qi’) in your body. The practice itself has been well praised for relieving stress, mental fatigue and overall body pain.

So how can it help during pregnancy? Pregnancy acupuncture in Auckland has been shown to be capable of reducing the many annoying conditions of pregnancy, like morning sickness, back pain, leg pain, pelvic pain, sore breasts and headaches, depression – well you know, the list just goes on and on . It definitely sounds like a very good idea already, doesn’t it? (Plus you don’t really have to worry about the needles – they are so thin that you won’t experience any pain, and they are inserted in a way that you won’t feel any pain.)

In addition to this, it has also been found out that acupuncture can alleviate the pain during the labour process, and also make sure that you deliver a healthy baby right on term. You can avoid having an early delivery, and make sure that the delivery will be free of epidurals, caesarean sections or other interventions during labour, which can potentially cause distress both to you and your baby. Acupuncture can also apparently turn what you’d call a breech baby – that is, when your baby is not positioned correctly (i.e. head down position) prior to delivery; and can also relieve many inflammatory conditions which are often normal in new-born babies.

Not only during pregnancy though, could you do well to consider continuing your acupuncture appointments even after labour. The Chinese medical practice has also been effective in relieving post-partum conditions such as the famous ‘baby blues’ and any ailments that might result from the delivery. Therefore, as you can see, acupuncture is almost a ‘too-good-to-be-true’ package indeed, and one you should definitely not pass up on if you’re pregnant! However, if an unexperienced practitioner performs acupuncture during your pregnancy terms, it might cause some serious issues so make sure you remember to always schedule appointments with professional, licensed acupuncture practitioners.