Medical Services

Alternative Medicine And Western Medicine

Alternate medicine was the only form of healing during the Stone Age, as science was at its initial stages and conventional medicine had not yet being fully established or studied due to the lack of knowledge and understanding at that time. As time went on, people started getting inquisitive and they kept noting down observations and hypothesise for a given illness. Once the human race founded the microscope so many breakthroughs happened and the conventional…

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Health Services

The Risks Of Massage Therapies

Whenever you have an accident whether it is at home or at work, the reaction is the same. After the initial shock and the pain, what is the first thing you do when you bump your knee or your shoulder or any part of you? You rub the area to try and relieve the pain. At its most basic level, you are giving yourself a massage. The benefits of massages are lauded just about everywhere,…

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Medical Services

The Cons Of Online Shopping: Why You Need To Pay More Attention

Just like everything in this world has a good and bad side, online shopping too despite its many advantages has its bad side too. We have brought you some of those major problems you will go through online shopping. This is because to cut short such problems and make it even a much easier task for you. Online shopping has truly lifted physical shopping to a greater level so, reduce those drawbacks first. Keep reading…

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Dental Services

How To Avoid Injuries Out On The Field

Athletes and sportsmen/ women are always subject to injuries; it is part of the job description. No matter how perfect the jump, how fast the sprint and how smooth the bowl, sports injuries can occur any time, any day. Not only are they debilitating because they take you out of the playing field, they can also leave lasting impressions in the form of permanent disabilities and scars. Prevention is always better than cure so here…

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Dental Services

Saying Goodbye To Western Medicine: Alternate Ways Of Healing The Human Body

Ever since the Enlightenment of Europe, science has reigned supreme as the single belief system among so called “rational” human beings. In truth, Western notions of scientific medicine are predated by many other systems that were in existence in the East for thousands of years. Today, many of these alternate ways of healing exists side- by- side with Western medical practice and are practiced and sought by many people who seek other ways of curing…

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Medical Services

Five Ways To Take Care Of Your Health And Wellbeing.

Sometimes, between our nine to five jobs, sucking up to our bosses and taking your kids home from football practice, you tend to lose track of your health. Losing track of your health could mean different things to different people so for a soccer mom, it could sound be having to eat from out for a week because your cooking equipments are broken whereas for an athlete, it could be the decrease of their muscle…

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